Beyond Painkillers: A Closer Look At The Treatment Options Of A Chronic Pain Clinic

Chronic pain is defined as a type of pain that is persistent, consisting of daily bouts of pain levels that can hinder a person's ability to live an ordinary life. If you are diagnosed with chronic pain related to an accident, injury or an illness, there is a good chance your primary physician will recommend you to a chronic pain clinic that is better equipped to offer a solution.

While it is no secret that pain management often involves medications, many also offer an array of other treatment plans that are designed to help patients get back to living more of a normal life. Pain medications may be a start, but they are no comprehensive treatment plan and should not be the sole solution. Here is a closer look at what type of treatment options you may have available during pain management treatment.

Epidural Injections

Certain types of spinal trauma, especially bulging discs or other disc issues, cause traumatic inflammation throughout the spine, which can cause a great deal of pain. Epidural injections involves pinpointing areas where pain is originating and injecting potent anti-inflammatory agents to help alleviate some of the pressure on these areas. This pain management procedure is considered a surgical procedure, but is done in the office on an outpatient basis. Therefore, you can have the treatment accomplished right in the pain clinic and it only takes a little longer than a normal appointment.

Pain Blocking Treatments

Pain blockage treatments involves trigger-point injections that target specific nerves in the body. An anesthetic is injected to block pain signals that normally cause you pain during the procedure. The procedure can target one specific nerve, or bundle of nerves where pain receptors are located. Both therapeutic or facet nerve block procedures can be an option for patients with specific types of trauma to their bodies, but is a more common treatment for compression fractures or spinal deformities.

Combination Therapies

In many cases, pain clinics will assess a patient's needs and create a plan of action to try and achieve ultimate pain relief. This plan of treatment can involve both medications and injections, and in some cases will also include holistic approaches, such as acupuncture treatment.

Years ago, when you were referred to a chronic pain clinic for treatment, medication would be the primary form of care. However, the modern pain clinic takes a more detailed approach to helping patients find the relief they need to live a more fulfilling life in spite of their condition. For more help with pain relief, contact a clinic such as Alberta Back & Neck Rehab.
