3 Signs It's Time To See A Physical Therapist For Your Running Injury
Running can be a therapeutic way to get the exercise your body needs to stay healthy. If you enjoy running on a daily basis, you know just how physically demanding the sport can be. How do you know when a minor ache or pain is the result of overexertion or a sign that something more serious could be wrong?
Here are three signs to watch for as you run that will indicate that it's time to have your injury examined by a physical therapist in the near future.
1. Aches and pains that linger after you rest and ice the injury.
Strained muscles are not uncommon among runners, but sometimes what you think is a strained muscle could actually be a tear. If you notice a significant amount of muscle pain when you run, try taking a few days off.
While you are resting, be sure that you ice the injury properly. Larger muscles (like the hamstring or quadriceps) should be iced in 20 minute intervals. Joints should only be iced in 15 minute intervals, because the tissue tends to be thinner in joint areas. If you still experience pain after resting and icing an injury, make an appointment with your physical therapist to determine the severity of your injury.
2. You experience a traumatic event.
Injuries can be brought on by fatigue, but they can also be caused by a traumatic event. Rolled ankles are common among runners, especially if you train outdoors where the terrain can be uneven.
Rolling your ankle can cause swelling and tenderness, and it can even cause tearing of the ligaments located on the outside of the joint. A physical therapist can determine how severe your ankle sprain is after you experience a traumatic event. If you have rolled your ankle while running, be sure to schedule an appointment with your physical therapist for additional testing.
3. You experience sharp pains while running.
Sometimes an injury can be aggravated by physical exertion, and that is the case with a stress fracture. Common in the weight-bearing bones of the leg, stress fractures are hairline cracks in the bone.
Even though you might not feel any pain from a stress fracture while engaged in your regular daily routine, high-impact sports like running can cause intense pain. If you notice a sharp pain in your leg while running, make an appointment to have your physical therapist check for a stress fracture.
For more information, contact Synergy Health Centre or a similar location.