
Useful Precautions For Those Seeing The Dentist For The First Time

Seeing the dentist for the first time might seem scary at first, but it's really not that bad of an experience if you prepare correctly. Here are just a few preparations that can calm your nerves and help you maximize this initial dental visit as a new patient. Arrive as Early as You Can Regardless of what time your first dental appointment is, you'll probably want to arrive pretty early because you'll need to fill out a patient chart since you've never been seen before.

What Should You Do If Your Tooth Is Loose After A Car Accident?

Getting into a car accident can be painful and traumatic. If you're coming away from an accident only to realize that one or more of your teeth seems to be wiggly or loose in the socket, then you shouldn't avoid this issue. This can easily become a bigger problem without assistance. Here's what you should know and do if this has happened to you. What May Have Happened With any kind of severe and sudden blow to the face, it's possible for a tooth to be knocked out.